Service Principles

As a client, you will experience the service-centric culture of Pacific Trust. Our maxim is to treat you as we wish to be treated: cared for, satisfied. Hence, we provide a very personalized wealth and investment management services in California and near regions. The key elements are:

  • personal service (“we make house calls”)
  • real time communication and support with real people
  • timely and accurate responses
  • clear, actionable advice, delivered proactively

From day one, you will work with a firm that takes its role seriously. The result: objective advice and undivided loyalty. You will find a keystone of our service is regularly scheduled face-to-face meetings with you. These meetings give us the opportunity to update you on our strategic thoughts as they relate to the capital markets and economy, review with you your portfolio of investments, and update you on the progress made on your long term objectives. These “house calls” give you the chance to share with our firm any changes to your circumstances so we can refine your plan as needed. You will enjoy and gain peace of mind knowing your financial affairs are being overseen by a firm which is passionate about problem solving and discovering opportunities.

In a world where the pace can be overwhelming, we are here to take care of the details, organize, and simplify for you so you have the freedom to focus on what is important to you.

Interested in learning more about how Pacific Trust Wealth Management can help you? Get started today.