Helping our clients plan and manage their financial business off the field, so they can focus on what is most important on-field. Let us be your financial coach.

Professional Athletes

The most successful professional athletes are those who can focus 100% of their attention on the game. However, there are important off-field considerations that need attention so the long-term financial well-being of the athlete is maximized. Professional athletes need trusted advisors who will provide guidance for todays financial needs as well as those in retirement.

Our dedicated services help professional athletes navigate a variety of wealth management and financial planning objectives, including:

Wealth Management

The average professional career is short. With proper investing, cash flow analysis and financial coaching, you and your family can plan for a financial future beyond sports.

Retirement Planning

A life after playing sports may turn into coaching, broadcasting or another business endeavor. We can help identify and achieve your goals beyond the field.

Accounting Services

A detailed monthly financial snapshot of your financials allows you to stay on top of your financial goals and exposure. A clear and simple way to evaluate your financial situation is our goal.

Investment Advisory

We can help you make decisions about aggressive or conservative investment strategies, taking into consideration your current and future financial needs. Our main focus is very simple: customize a strategy for each individual client and do so while paying the least amount in fees possible. We have the experience to offer you well-rounded advice, while you focus on your craft.

Family Office

Whether you need to buy a car or a house, there are many financial considerations involved in these transactions. It is important you receive the best terms on these deals and we can help you. A family office can help with everything from insurance needs, loan negotiations, and investments, to hiring a housekeeper, reviewing maintenance contracts and assisting with travel arrangements.

Tax planning & preparation

Proper tax advice is a critical part of any athlete’s plan. We work with independent CPAs whose sole task is to minimize your liabilities based on the state and city you play in. Let us handle the organization of your documents, your annual expenses and other time-consuming matters.

Business Advisory

The same drive that helped you achieve success on the field may translate to a new business in retirement. Whether it is real estate, a franchise or a sports academy, we can assist in the accounting and management needs involved.

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